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Chronic Bronchitis and Disability

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Call the experienced team of Bridgman & Serbin, a Charlotte SSD law firm at (704) 815-6055 for help with your disability case. Don't hesitate call today

A respiratory impairment such as chronic bronchitis may render an individual unable to work. A Charlotte SSD law firm can help you understand Social Security Disability.

The Symptoms

In its efforts to determine if an individual with chronic bronchitis is disabled, the Social Security System (SSA) will look at the medical evidence for such symptoms as:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Chest pains
  • Blood expectoration
  • Shortness of breath after exertion

Additionally, as explained by a Charlotte SSD attorney, the SSA will likely require testing in an effort to render its disability decision.

Forced Expiratory Volume Test

This test, as measured by a spirometer, evaluates how much of the claimants breath is exhaled in one second and is the SSA’s standard test for any cardio-pulmonary related impairment. The raw results of the test are placed in a table which takes into account the claimant’s height (without shoes) as a factor. The SSA considers the lower the number, the more severe the impairment.

Medical Records

Your Charlotte SSD attorney will emphasize the necessity for complete and well-documented medical records of all:

  • Treatments
  • Hospitalizations or other interventions
  • Prescription medications

Additionally, a statement from the claimant’s treating physician describing in detail the nature and extent of the impairment is essential.

Contact A Charlotte SSD Lawyer For Legal Counsel

The manner in which a disability claim is presented has a large impact on the results. Call the experienced team of Bridgman & Serbin, a Charlotte SSD attorney group at (704) 815-6055.

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