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A Charlotte Social Security Disability Attorney Discusses Hip and Knee Replacement

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For the help of a Charlotte Social Security disability attorney in your disability claim, call Bridgman Law Offices today at (704) 815-6055.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has very specific guidelines that must be met if a claimant is to be found disabled. It is not enough to merely state you cannot work. Seek the experienced counsel of a Charlotte Social Security disability attorney.

Weight Bearing Joint Disorders, Including Hip And Knee Replacements, And SSA Disability Evaluation

It is far easier to be found disabled by the SSA if your impairment is specifically listed in the SSA’s published “List of Impairments.” Reconstructive surgery (including joint replacement) of a major weight-bearing joint (which includes both the knee and the hip) is on that list.

So That Means If I Have Hip Or Knee Replacement I Will Be Found Disabled?

Not necessarily, as your Charlotte Social Security disability attorney will caution. To be found disabled, a claimant, subsequent to the joint replacement, must not be able to “ambulate” effectively and or return to effective ambulation within 12 months.

A Charlotte Social Security Disability Attorney On The SSA’s Definition Of “Ambulate”

The SSA looks at all factors, but a knowledgeable Charlotte Social Security disability lawyer finds these issues among the more common, and will ask:

  • Can you perform the activities of daily life?
  • Can you walk by yourself at home without any assistance device?
  • Can you travel independently?
  • Are you able to use public transportation?

Call A Charlotte Social Security Disability Lawyer For Legal Advice

Disability issues are complex and there is much at stake. Your chances of success are much improved with a Charlotte Social Security disability attorney by your side. Call Bridgman Law Offices at (704) 815-6055 today.

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