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Is your child eligible for SSI benefits?

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For many people with disabilities, financial security is a complex issue as these individuals are often unable to hold gainful employment. It can be just as difficult for the North Carolina families caring for children with special needs as well. If you are providing for a child with special needs, your household could be eligible for benefits through Supplemental Security Income.

It is incredibly expensive to care for an individual with a serious illness, crippling injuries or a debilitating medical condition. The Social Security Administration knows that these families, including yours, could benefit from financial support. It may be in your best interests to learn how your family could claim SSI benefits for the medical and physical needs of your child.

The benefits available to disabled children

SSI benefits are available to children with disabilities, but it is wise to know if your child is eligible and how you can go about applying for this support on his or her behalf. Your child may have a rightful claim to these benefits if he or she lives in a household that meets certain financial eligibility requirements.

When calculating SSI benefits, the SSA typically considers the income and work history of the applicant. However, since your child may not have a significant work history, the SSA will consider your household income and other factors to determine eligibility. The following four types of income will factor into SSI eligibility:

  • Earned income of your household, including earnings from work
  • Unearned income, which includes disability, unemployment and more
  • In-kind income, which includes food and shelter at a steep discount
  • Deemed income, which includes portion of income from parents, guardians, etc.

Eligibility for SSI can be difficult to understand, but you may find it beneficial to seek a full explanation of your legal options before you move forward with an application for benefits.

Fight for the support your family needs

It can be financially, physically and emotionally exhausting to care for a child with a disability. If you believe that your family could be eligible for SSI benefits, you know that you have no time to lose in seeking the support you need to adequately care for your child.

If you are unsure of your eligibility, you still have the right to seek support and guidance regarding the financial assistance that could be available to you, including the potential for filing a claim for Supplemental Security Income benefits or appealing a denied claim.

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