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Social Security Disability Claims Involving Arthritis, Joint Dysfunction And The Limited Ability To Walk

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If you suffer from a physical or mental impairment, contact a Winston Salem disability lawyer at Bridgman Law Offices at 704-815-6055.

Arthritis or joint dysfunction is considered a severe impairment by the Social Security Administration if the medical condition prevents you from being able to ambulate effectively. When you have an impairment that extremely limits the ability to walk, it’s becomes very difficult to work and complete routine activities. A Winston Salem disability lawyer can evaluate your situation and determine if you qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

Winston Salem Disability Lawyer Discusses Ineffective Ambulation

According to the SSA, ineffective ambulation means that you are incapable of walking a sufficient distance at a reasonable pace to perform daily living activities. You also need help from a companion in order to travel to and from your job or school. Since objective medical tests often don’t show the severity of musculoskeletal conditions, it’s important to receive assistance from a disability attorney who knows how to prove that your medical impairment seriously impedes your ability to work.

A person isn’t able to ambulate effectively if they have the following issues:

  • Need to use a walker or crutches to walk;
  • Unable to use public transportation;
  • Unable to perform routine activities or chores; or
  • Unable to climb stairs or walk on uneven surfaces at a reasonable pace.

Consult A Winston Salem Disability Lawyer

If you suffer from a physical or mental impairment and need assistance with a Social Security disability claim, contact a Winston Salem disability attorney. Bridgman Law Offices uses it expertise and resources to help our clients get the disability benefits they need. Call us today at 704-815-6055 to schedule a consultation.

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